Battery Basics

Difference between Li-polymer and Li-liquid batteries for solar street lights-CSIP

Published by admin 2024-04-07

Solar street lights have now become a major facility for road lighting in urban and rural areas, simple to install, without a lot of wiring, receiving light energy through solar panels during the day, converting it into electricity and storing it in the battery, and at night, converting it into light energy to bring light to the pedestrians at night, in which the solar street light lithium battery plays a key role. Lithium batteries than the past lead-acid batteries, in terms of work performance, safety performance and other aspects have been substantially improved, but in fact, lithium batteries are also divided into many kinds, such as liquid batteries and lithium polymer batteries, although they are lithium batteries, but in fact, there are great differences, the following century sunlight lighting to compare the specific small.


1,different shaping


Due to the difference between the two electrolytes, there is also a big difference in shaping, mainly because their electrolytes are different, lithium polymer electrolytes can be solid or gel state, greatly improving the flexibility of the battery shape design.


It is possible to achieve a thin shape, theoretically with a thickness of 0.05mm or less. It can also be made in any area and any shape to better match the product requirements and make any shape and capacity of the battery, providing solar street light developers with a high degree of design flexibility and adaptability in their power solutions, and maximising their product performance.


The liquid lithium battery electrolyte, on the other hand, uses an electrolyte, which requires a robust casing as a secondary packaging to accommodate it, leaving it limited in size, shape and other aspects, and also adding some weight to the lithium battery.


lithium battery 3.7V


2,the raw materials are different


Battery construction mainly positive electrode, negative electrode and electrolyte 3 elements, and lithium polymer batteries in at least one or more of these three is the use of polymer materials, where the polymer refers to the molecular weight, the production of objects generally have high strength, high toughness and high elasticity.


However, for the current Li-ion polymers, the polymers are mainly used in the cathode or electrolyte, with the cathode being made from the inorganic compounds normally used in Li-ion batteries, or conductive polymers, and the cathode usually being made from lithium metal or lithium-carbon interlayer compounds.


The electrolyte is made from a solid or colloidal polymer electrolyte, which is similar to a plastic film and cannot conduct electrons but allows ion exchange (atoms or groups of atoms that can be charged), replacing the traditional porous diaphragm that is soaked through the electrolyte.


The main difference in the materials of liquid lithium batteries is that they are made with liquid or colloidal electrolytes.


3,the safety performance is different


In terms of safety, lithium polymer batteries also show great advantages, and lithium polymer batteries are mostly soft pack batteries, the shell is generally used aluminum plastic film. This material has good ductility, flexibility and mechanical strength, in the barrier, heat sealing performance is also very good performance.


The electrolyte inside is solid or colloidal, with no excess electrolyte, so it is more stable and less prone to dangerous situations caused by overcharging, pinpricks, collisions or other damage to the battery, as well as by overuse. Of course, things are not absolute, and it is not impossible for a short circuit to occur if in an extremely harsh environment, such as a momentary current that is too high.


But in comparison, it is much safer than a liquid lithium battery. The liquid lithium battery is prone to leakage, plus the shell is strong, heat dissipation is also poor, the possibility of explosion is very high.


The above difference between solar street light lithium polymer batteries and liquid lithium batteries is shared here, in general, lithium polymer batteries are also a kind of lithium-ion batteries, but compared with liquid lithium batteries (Li-ion) has a high energy density, more miniaturized, ultra-thin, lightweight, and high security and other obvious advantages, is a new type of battery.

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