Industry News

Lithium- ion battery air shipments face scrutiny in US

Published by admin 2024-04-07

There have long been safety fears over bulk lithium-ion air shipments


The US National Transportation Safety Board( NTSB) has said shipments of lithium- ion batteries on aeroplanes should be confined due to safety fears.
Lithium- ion batteries should be physically separated from ignitable dangerous material, the NTSB said.

It also wants to limit the volume of similar batteries, used to power numerous movable bias, allowed as weight.
A US assembly man is now calling for authorities to be suitable to ban lithium- ion batteries from aircraft.

The NTSB said contrivance batteries could be" a fire and explosion ignition source"," a source of energy to an being fire" and" subordinated to overheating that can produce an explosive condition."
The streamlined advice follows an disquisition into a fire on an Asiana Airlines weight aeroplane in 2011.

Two crew members failed when the aeroplane , which was carrying lithium- ion batteries, also crashed into the Korea Strait.
NTSB president Christopher A Hart said the body's recommendations would" reduce the liability and inflexibility of implicit weight fires" and" give fresh time for the crew to safely land a weight aircraft in the event a fire is detected".

Catastrophic' threat

The Federal Aviation Administration( FAA) also said this week there was" implicit threat of a disastrous aircraft loss" due to damage performing from a lithium- ion battery fire.

Current procedures for dealing with weight fires on aeroplanes were unable of controlling a lithium- ion battery blaze, the FAA added.

The FAA arrived at these conclusions following testing of lithium- ion batteries and styles to extinguish fires caused by them.

US assemblyman Bill Nelson now plans to introduce legislation that would allow the FAA to ban lithium- ion shipments.

Still, also why on Earth would anyone want to enjoin safety controllers from banning large shipments of these batteries on passenger airliners," Mr Nelson told news point The Hill," If FAA testing has set up that fires or explosions caused by lithium- ion batteries can lead to a disastrous loss of an aeroplane .

The Air Line Pilots Association has also suggested the FAA should have lesser powers to circumscribe lithium- ion shipments.

Any new regulations would not apply to individual batteries contained in bias carried by air passengers.

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