Industry News

Definition and function of electrolyte for lithium battery

Published by admin 2024-04-07

What is the electrolyte and what does the electrolyte do?

Electrolyte is a broad meaning of the term, used in different industries on behalf of the content of the larger difference.There are electrolytes in living organisms (also known as electrolytes), electrolytes used in the battery industry, electrolytic capacitors, supercapacitors and other industries.

Here we mainly introduce lithium battery electrolysis, electrolyte is the carrier of ion transport in the battery, generally composed of lithium salt and organic solvents.



The electrolyte plays the role of conducting ions between the positive and negative electrodes of the lithium battery, which guarantees the advantages of the lithium ion battery such as high voltage and high specific energy.


The electrolyte is generally made up of high purity organic solvents, lithium electrolyte salts, necessary additives and other raw materials under certain conditions and in a certain proportion.


The main electrolytes used in lithium batteries are lithium perchlorate, lithium hexafluorophosphate, etc.



Batteries made from lithium perchlorate do not work well at low temperatures and pose a risk of explosion, and have been banned in Japan and the United States.The battery made of lithium fluoride salt has good performance, no explosion risk and strong applicability, especially the battery made of lithium hexafluorophosphate. In addition to the above advantages, the disposal of discarded batteries in the future is relatively simple and friendly to the ecological environment. Therefore, the market prospect of this kind of electrolyte is very broad.

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