Industry News

How do the popular drones provide power to work?

Published by admin 2024-04-07

The power system of UAV usually has two kinds of electric motors and internal combustion engines, among which electric motors are the main ones. The electric power system mainly includes a motor, an ESC (to control the speed of the motor), a propeller, and a battery. Whether the various parts of the power system are matched, whether the power system is matched with the whole machine, directly affect the efficiency and stability of the whole machine, so the power system is very important.





  UAV's motors are mainly brushless motors. One end is fixed to the motor base of the frame arm, and the other is a fixed propeller, which generates downward thrust through rotation. Frames of different sizes and loads need to be matched with motors of different specifications and powers. The bigger the motor, the better. Efficiency is king.




  A separate motor can't work, it needs to cooperate with an ESC, which is used to control the speed of the motor. Like motors, power systems with different loads need to be matched with ESCs of different specifications. Although the ESCs are too large, there is not much image, but the ESCs are bigger and heavier naturally, and the efficiency will naturally not increase.




   The propeller is a component that directly generates thrust, and the pursuit of efficiency is also the primary goal. The matching motor, ESC and propeller can consume less power under the same thrust, which can extend the life of the drone. Have you noticed that the propeller in the picture above has both positive and negative directions? Because when the motor drives the propeller to rotate, it will generate a counter-torque force, which will cause the frame to rotate in the opposite direction. But by rotating one motor forward and one motor rotating backward, this kind of anti-torque force can be canceled each other, and the directions of the corresponding propellers are reversed.





  The current UAV batteries are mainly lithium polymer batteries, which are characterized by high energy density, light weight, high current resistance, etc. These characteristics are more suitable for UAVs. There are also some lithium polymer batteries in the mobile phone field, but the charging and discharging capabilities are far less than those of drones (the theoretical value of the discharge capacity of a single cell exceeds 400A). And because these batteries are used in the power system of drones, they are also called "power batteries".

Technical Support: Magic Lamp