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How to use rechargeable polymer soft pack lithium batteries more reasonable?

Published by admin 2024-04-07

How to use rechargeable polymer soft pack lithium batteries more reasonable?

With the increasing application of rechargeable polymer soft-pack lithium batteries, many people still have some misunderstandings about their products in the process of using them. The following is the explanation of the CSIP technology lithium battery equipment manufacturer: rechargeable polymer What are the common misunderstandings in the use of soft-pack lithium batteries?



   Misunderstanding 1: The first charge must be enough for 12 hours

This is suitable for the early nickel-metal hydride battery equipment without battery control circuit, but it is a joke for the PSP with intelligent charge and discharge control module nowadays. When the PSP battery is fully charged, the charging current will be automatically cut off. The system displays as "external power supply". Even if you continue to charge for 120 hours, there will be no change in the state. Generally speaking, it is fully charged in 3 hours, and the remaining "charging" is just a waste of your own time. Instead, when you get a new machine, you should discharge the battery before charging.



 Misunderstanding 2: The PSP needs to be repeatedly charged and discharged three times to activate the battery

Unless the PSP you bought is a product that has been in stock for more than one year, you don’t need to do this, because the current battery cells have been activated when they leave the factory, and the cells have been packaged into a PSP battery. The activation test, so the battery you get has already been activated, and doing three more charge-discharge processes is just a needless increase in battery loss.

 Misunderstanding 3: The battery needs to be fully charged and discharged once a month

For nickel-metal hydride batteries with strong memory effect, this is necessary work, but for rechargeable polymer soft-pack lithium batteries, this cycle is too frequent. Rechargeable polymer soft-pack lithium batteries theoretically eliminate the memory effect, even if Yes, it has been greatly reduced to a negligible degree. If you use the battery frequently, then you should discharge the battery to a relatively low level (about 10~15%) and then charge it, but if it is discharged so that even the machine cannot be turned on (0 ~1%), it belongs to the deep discharge that has great damage to the rechargeable polymer soft-packed lithium battery. Generally speaking, it is enough to do this operation every 2 months. If you rarely use batteries, you can do this once every 3 months.

  Misunderstanding 4: Working while charging, or continuing to use an external power source after charging is complete, will damage the host and battery

The loss of the battery is divided into normal loss and harmful loss. The actual loss caused by external power supply and charging while using is completely within the normal loss range of the battery. That is to say, no matter how systematic theoretical maintenance measures are taken, the battery will be It will age, at best it will only delay.

In summary, the above are the common misunderstandings in the use of rechargeable polymer soft-packed lithium batteries introduced by the technical staff of CSIP Technology. Frequently charge and discharge the rechargeable polymer soft-packed lithium battery, charge it when it is not discharged, or use an external power supply , Use while charging, or continue to use an external connection after charging, it will not cause additional loss to the battery.

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