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Power banks use 18650 less and less, which is better than polymer batteries?

Published by admin 2024-04-07

Earlier power banks gave most users the impression that they were big and heavy, but nowadays the size of power banks is very small, especially when using shared power banks such as "street power", friends who have used them will find them very light. This is the credit of the polymer lithium battery. In fact, because of the emergence of polymer lithium batteries, many electronic products can be used, such as TWS Bluetooth headsets, such as special small electronic devices. Unlike a few years ago, power banks use 18650 lithium batteries less and less. Has it been eliminated? In addition to size and weight, is there any difference between polymer lithium battery and 18650? Today we are talking about this.

[What is 18650]


At present, there are two main battery cells on the market, one is a lithium battery, the other is a polymer lithium batteries, the polymer lithium batteries generally refers to an aluminum shell battery, the electrolyte is liquid, and the outer packaging material is aluminum shell or plating. Nickel-steel shell, under the constant elimination of the market, 18650 has become the standard for polymer lithium batteries that people are most willing to use. The so-called 18650 refers to a cylindrical battery with a diameter of 18mm and a length of 65mm. The "0" means that it is a cylinder, which looks like a large AAA (size 5) dry battery.

Many people think that the 18650 battery is on the verge of being eliminated. In fact, it is far from the case. At present, Panasonic, Samsung, and Sony all have this business. There are also many domestic factories that are continuously manufacturing because most electric vehicles use 18650. The most famous battery is Tesla, the whole car is a 18650 battery. In fact, most of the power bank products do not use this kind of battery, more because of cost and style considerations. At present, 18650 power bank products are still used, either low-end or high-end. For example, No. 10, which is known as the strongest mobile power on the surface, does not use polymer lithium batteries. Therefore, 18650 is not an obsolete technology, but a trend. Two extremes.

[What is polymer lithium batteries]


Since the birth of polymer lithium battery, it has had many advantages such as ultra-small, ultra-thin, ultra-light, high plasticity, and high safety. Based on these advantages, the polymer lithium-free battery meets people's pursuit of appearance. Using his power bank can achieve a thickness of less than 10mm, and can also be made into some special shapes. Compared with the fixed appearance of the 18650, it is easier to personalize. Moreover, the safety of polymer lithium-free batteries is very high. Even if there is a problem, most of them will not explode, but will only swell, which is very attractive to manufacturers and consumers.


[What do we choose?]


After talking for a long time, let's summarize.


In terms of advantages, the 18650 technology is more mature, and there are still many large factories still developing and producing. The safety is actually better than the non-explosive polymer lithium battery. Of course, you have to use the products of regular large factories. The disadvantages of the 18650 are also obvious, the appearance is easily restricted, and low-end products have safety risks. Even if you don't use it, you can't guarantee that others won't use it.

Polymer lithium battery is an emerging product in recent years. The biggest advantage is that it is ultra-thin and ultra-light, which is in line with the habits of current users. Therefore, as long as it is not the pursuit of extreme performance, polymer lithium battery is currently the most suitable choice, especially in This piece of the power bank.


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