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The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to lithium batteries. How has this technology changed our lives?

Published by admin 2024-04-07

This award, born out of the operation of chemistry, is eventually, awarded to the field of applied chemistry/ chemicals. 

At this moment, people using mobile phones, tablets, laptops, digital cameras, electric bikes and indeed Tesla are invited to take note of this invention that has fully and hugely converted ultramodern society and everyday life. We can indeed hold the results of the Nobel Prize in our hands. 


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2019 Nobel Chemistry Prize

For the development of Lithium-ion batteries

吉野彰(Akira Yoshino), Stanley Whittingham, John Goodenough


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For a rechargeable world


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Indeed, lithium( ion) batteries are completely integrated into our lives. Whether it's lithium polymer batteries in mobile phones and laptops or 18650 battery packs in electric bikes and buses , their presence and operation is extremely wide. Until further advanced technologies for the transmission of electrical energy arrive, this high- performance battery is as essential to ultramodern man as air and water.


The response of a lithium- ion battery is simple( the following is the discharge process). 

Negative electrode( graphite) : LixCn- xe- → xLi Cn 
 Positive electrode( essence oxide): Li1- xMmOn xLi xe- → LiMmOn 


Lithium ions, on the other hand, have the alternate lowest relative molecular mass( ignoring the composites of He) and can thus have a great energy viscosity per unit mass. Hydrogen ions, on the other hand, are delicate to gain for dependable operations considering their practicality. 

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Of the three laureates, Whittingham started with the principle design and constructed the first lithium( essence)- TiS2 battery. 


lithium polymer battery on plane 


At this time, lithium essence batteries were facing a major extremity dendrites. During the charge/ discharge cycle, lithium is deposited fleetly at the tip where the electric field strength is high, a positive feedback process that will form sharp dendrites and may indeed lead to an internal short circuit and an explosion. 

3.7 v polymer lithium ion battery 


Goodenough latterly discovered a range of electrode accoutrements similar as lithium cobaltate( LiCoO2) and lithium iron phosphate( LiFePO4), which reduced the eventuality for dendritic short- circuiting, thereby significantly perfecting the stability of lithium- ion batteries


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Aki Yoshino combined petroleum coke electrodes to further reduce the goods of dendrites, adding the number of charge/ discharge cycles to hundreds without significant declination in performance and eventually creating the first commercially available rechargeable lithium- ion battery. And Sony upgraded to graphite electrodes in a posterior enhancement that was a huge success 

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As a result, the three were concertedly awarded this time's Nobel Prize in Chemistry, with the 97- time-old Mr Goodenough getting the oldest philanthropist. 


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I am sure there are formerly innumerous people who missed last time's vaticination, so I can shoot out the old composition in a different time. Considering that I'm not in the battery field, I'll relate to the professionals' answers for the specific specialized details. 


Then, I just want to bandy the charge of" applied chemistry". 

 In the early days of chemical chemistry, both the principles and the technology involved were in their immaturity. At this time, improvements in principles and specialized details could fluently lead to an artificial revolution, and Nobel was one of the settlers. By perfecting the product process of nitroglycerine and related snares, which greatly accelerated engineering effectiveness, Nobel also amassed a fortune and created what's now known as the Nobel Prize for scientific and technological progress and the advancement of the peace process. 


latterly, the rapid-fire development of the oil painting assiduity, polymer accoutrements and organic chemistry gave rise to major chemical companies similar as DuPont, whose products-synthetic polymers, small- patch medicines, sword and so on- have also greatly enhanced ultramodern living norms. The recent developments in the photovoltaic assiduity and chip manufacturing are also the result of great progress in the chemical and chemical diligence. It can be said that exploration in the field of applied chemistry and chemistry has profoundly changed our present and unborn. 

There is, still, a certain dissociate between current exploration and industrialisation. 


Under the question of prognosticating this time's Nobel Prize, the top two directions that came up were lithium batteries and MOFs( essence organic frame accoutrements ), and of course the traditional(?) natural direction, but under numerous mentions of areas similar as MOFs, enterprises have been expressed about their operation prospects or indeed denied. 

In fact, not only MOFs, but also chalcogenide/ color- sensitised solar cells, nanomaterials and other areas of applied chemistry have seen only a sprinkle of systems actually go into product, but this has not stopped the number of papers from soaring. 


Of course, scientific exploration shouldn't be confined to operations alone, and the vaticination of unborn directions is also of great strategic significance. But the difficulty of getting exploration results out of the laboratory and into people's lives, which is basically a affiliated field of applied wisdom, has led us to reflect on this. 

In fact, one of the authors of MOFs has also been working hard to put into practice the marketable product of colorful new accoutrements with operations and has achieved some success; also, the silicon photovoltaic cell was gradationally bettered from the laboratory and promoted on a large scale, from monocrystalline silicon to polysilicon, and turned into a well- established product with good value for plutocrat with the huge domestic product capacity, furnishing a possible result to the world's energy problem. result. They aren't only looking for single numbers that are a megahit, but also for the unnoticeable presence of integrated costs, service life,etc., so that they can hope to turn their results into factual productivity. 

 There's no mistrustfulness that there's no bone
 who doesn't want to turn the results of exploration into productivity. Not only would this make a small difference to society, but it would also be at least as economically satisfying for individualities and groups. So what might be the reason for the current state of possible dissociate? This is commodity to calmly consider on the occasion of the award for lithium- ion batteries. 
 likewise, it can be seen that companies similar as Exxon and Sony have made a unique, albeit also short-sighted, donation to advancing the field. In the future of applied chemistry exploration, there will also be a place for companies' exploration results, and indeed their request feedback will be more rapid-fire. How to use the advantages of request exposure and avoid its disadvantages will also also be important in the unborn macroscopic development, and this is commodity that policy makers will need to take into account. 

 Eventually, congratulations to the discoverers of our lithium- ion batteries. The charge of applied chemistry is to profit humanity; and it's the results that stand up to the test of operation that make exploration of further practical significance. Goodenough is really" good enough", as the name suggests, and these three earn their awards. 
 At this moment, I'm watching the live broadcast on my mobile phone and codifying this on my laptop. The Nobel Prize in my hands is still working duly and I can not help but feel the greatness of technology. 

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