Industry News

Cordless power tools lithium ion how to determine his capacity size?

Published by admin 2024-04-07

We often see some wireless power tools whose lithium batteries are labeled as 20V2000mah, 20V4000mah; there are also some labels, such as 99TV12800ma, 138TV16800ma, 168TV22800ma. What is the difference between the former label and the latter?



Generally, lithium batteries for electric tools use 18650 cells or 21700 cells (same as Tesla), which are connected in series and parallel with each control and protection circuit to form lithium battery packs with different voltages and different capacities. Regardless of whether it is 18650 or 21700, you can find that different manufacturers have different voltage labels according to different interpretations. There is no mandatory specification for the time being.



The more common battery packs are 10.8V (12V), 14.4V, 18V (21V), 3.6V~4.2V, etc., and the capacity is relatively objective, which refers to the continuous discharge time with a certain intensity of current, generally Ah (ampere hour) or mAh (milliampere hour).



The question of the lithium battery of power tools: What do the voltage and current of the lithium ion battery represent? What are the effects of these two parameters on the length and power of the tool?

Voltage * current = power power tool lithium ion battery is not important. It is an hour, it is the durability of the ion battery.

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