Industry News

The correct use of mobile phone lithium battery?

Published by admin 2024-04-07

1, lithium-ion batteries have a life span 

rechargeable battery

We all know that lithium-ion batteries are limited in the number of times they can be charged, but at the same time, lithium- ion batteries are like everything differently, the pool also has a life span. So the coming time you buy a battery, flash back to look at the date of manufacture of the lithium- ion battery. The newer the better, of course. Because your lithium- ion battery has been" dead" since the moment it left the plant. The life of a lithium- ion battery depends on a number of factors. At best, your Li- Ion battery will lose 20 of its maximum charge in a time, from the time it leaves the plant. 


2,Do not leave your device fully uncharged 

lipo battery


Maybe you've wondered why your mobile phone, PDA or iPod will light up the TV screen when it's about to run out of battery and mirthfully tell you that" you've run out of battery" and also turn itself off. The reason is simple there's an internal circuit in your phone that automatically shuts down when the battery gets too low. This circuit is set up to cover the phone. You can understand this by saying that if your lithium- ion battery is too low, this can permanently damage your lithium-ion battery. So you can simply plug it in and charge it at your convenience whenever possible. 

Flash back that a" one- time" charge cycle means that if you charge 50 of your battery on the first day, charge it up at night and use 50 again the coming day. This is a single cycle. 


Charging a Li-ion battery constantly without interruption won't reduce the life of the battery. 

primary batteries


3,lithium-ion battery charging won't be charged too full, it has internal circuit protection, lithium-ion battery is most hysterical of the problem of too high, further than 40 degrees Celsius temperature will reduce the lithium- ion battery can be charged into the power. 


About the mobile phone lithium battery conservation, generally try to pay attention to the line, and don't force yourself too much, every time how should how. After all, especially for mobile phones, the life cycle of a mobile phone is now shorter and shorter, numerous people will constantly replace their phones within a time or indeed half a time to follow the trend, so in this case, the lithium battery is enough for everyone to toss and turn, so feel free to use it. After all, consumer goods are the key to comfort. 

portable battery

 Misconceptions about the use of mobile phone lithium batteries 


Myth 1 PSPs need to be charged and discharged three times in order to spark the battery. Unless you buy a PSP that has been in stock for further than a time, you do not need to do this because the battery cells are formerly actuated when they leave the plant, and the cells are packaged into the PSP battery after another test fellow to activation, so the battery you get is formerly actuated, so three further charges and discharges will just needlessly increase the loss of the battery. 


Myth 2 The first charge must be done for 12 hours. This was true for early NiMH bias without battery control circuitry, but is a joke for moment's PSPs with their intelligent charge/ discharge control module, which automatically cuts off the charging current once the PSP battery is completely charged and shows" external power" on the system. Indeed if you continue to charge it for 120 hours, there will be no change in status, and generally speaking, it'll be completely charged in 3 hours. rather, when you get a new machine you should drain the battery before charging it. 


Myth 3 Batteries need to be completely charged and discharged once a month. For NiMH batteries, which have a strong memory effect, this is a must-have, but for Li- ion batteries, this cycle is too frequent. Li- ion batteries theoretically exclude the memory effect, and indeed if they do, it has been greatly reduced to a negligible position. 


it's a deep discharge that has lesser damage to the lithium battery, generally speaking, doing this formerly every 2 months isfine.However, also as long as formerly every 3 months to carry out such an operation will be fine, If you infrequently use the battery. 

lithium polymer battery


Myth 4 Working while charging, or that you'll continue to use an external power force after charging is complete will damage the main unit and the battery. This is one of the most ridiculous arguments. How important of the theoretical arguments at the position of so- called hole electrons,sub-charging and other mechanisms can be responded to in practice? The battery assiduity's academic opinion on this is, over all, divided. How can the theoretical differences be used as a companion to the practicalities of consumer use? In other words, no matter how methodical the theoretical conservation measures are, batteries will progress, just as no quantum of miraculous cosmetics and conservation can stop a beautiful woman from getting an old woman. But how important real effectiveness can be achieved by superficial cosmetics isn't commodity that can be explained by proposition- respect for practical experience is the correct and scientific way to look at it. It may be argued that the only way to avoid battery ageing isn't to use it( hence why numerous people choose to take it off), but this defeats the purpose of PSP portability, and the battery, indeed in its sealed state, will progress naturally over time. 

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