Industry News

Through an article to understand the production process flow of lithium battery

Published by admin 2024-04-07

First of all, let's have a look at the structure of lithium ion battery. Our production process is also completed according to these parts.


The structure of a lithium-ion battery is divided into five parts, namely, the positive electrode, the negative electrode, the diaphragm, the electrolyte and the shell.



1. The positive electrode of lithium ion battery contains active substances, conductive agents, solvents, adhesives, matrix and other substances.

2, lithium ion battery anode contains active substances, adhesives, solvents, matrix and other substances.

3, lithium ion battery diaphragm

4. Lithium ion battery electrolyte

5. The shell of lithium ion battery includes steel shell, aluminum shell, cover plate, pole ear, insulating tape and other hardware.



The production process of Eslite Lithium Ion Battery is mainly composed of the following steps:



To be specific, it is as follows: material preparation, homogenating, coating, rolling, cutting, baking, winding into shell, laser welding, baking, injection, prefilling, sealing, cleaning, aging, full inspection, warehousing and shipment.


Lithium-ion battery production process flow



Objectively speaking, the production process of lithium-ion battery is divided into three sections: one is the production of pole piece, the other is the production of cell, and the third is the assembly of battery.In the production process of lithium-ion battery, the electrode plate production is the foundation, the cell production is the core, the battery assembly is related to the quality of lithium-ion battery products.The specific steps of lithium ion battery production process include positive electrode pulping, negative electrode pulping, positive electrode sheet, negative electrode sheet, steel shell assembly, liquid injection, detection and packaging, etc.

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