Industry News

What is the development prospect of lithium battery industry?

Published by admin 2024-04-07

Traditional energy has always been the base of our survival. According to data, oil painting can only be uprooted for a aggregate of 46 times and coal for about 210 times. We're in critical need of new energy sources that can replace traditional energy sources. 

rechargeable fan with lithium battery


And lithium because of these energy storehouse and affair buffer links, belong to the new energy supporting part, driven by the rapid-fire growth of electric vehicles, China's lithium battery assiduity continues to maintain rapid-fire growth trend, assiduity invention continues to accelerate, new products, new technologies continue to crop , a variety of new battery technology has also been introduced, lithium assiduity is also riding on the new wind of the times continue to move forward. 


Current situation 

7.4 lipo battery 


From 2015 to 2020, China's lithium-ion battery request size continued to grow, from98.5 billion yuan to 198 billion yuan, to reach312.6 billion yuan in 2021. Although growth is decelerating down, it's always on the rise. In particular, the power class lithium battery, 2021 consumer, power, storehouse type lithium product were 72GWh, 220GWh, 32GWh, independently, time- on- time growth of 18, 165, 146, counting for22.22,67.9,9.88, independently, the power battery reckoned for the largest and fastest growing. 


Alternate, the unborn development of the assiduity crucial factors 


1.small size, high energy, safe and stable lithium battery is an important direction for the unborn development of the assiduity 


ion lithium battery


In recent times, people's conditions for lithium batteries are adding , and consumer electronics are pursuing light and thin. The demand for light weight, small size, high capacity, high energy viscosity, customizable size, good safety performance and fast- chargeable lithium- ion batteries is adding . Coupled with the constant pursuit of effectiveness, lithium batteries that can be charged snappily and safely will also be more seductive to consumers. 


2.assiduity policy support 


battery shipping agent


Lithium battery is one of the crucial high-tech diligence supported by the state, in recent times, the central and original governments have introduced a variety of support and civilization programs. 



With the" Thirteenth Five-Time Plan" National Strategic Emerging diligence Development Plan," Thirteenth Five- Time Plan" National Science and Technology Innovation Plan," Strategic Emerging diligence Key Products and Services Guidance Catalogue"," Energy- saving and New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan( 2012-2020)"," New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan( 2012)" and" New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan( 2012-2020)". -2020"," New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan( 2021- 2035)" and other public strategic plans and enterprise have been introduced, making it clear that lithium new energy electric vehicles have come a public precedence and encouraging investment and development of the assiduity. Coupled with the nonstop creation of strategic pretensions similar as carbon daftness and carbon impartiality, the request for lithium batteries will also remain vibrant. 


3.the layout and development of energy storehouse 


lithium car battery


Has been, power lithium-ion battery this operation request space is large, fast growth. Electric vehicles" lead to lithium", new energy vehicles, a variety of balance auto using a huge crowd, the request is vast, enwrapping a large part of China's lithium request. 


Energy storehouse request in China is fairly late in development, counting for a small proportion, but the request eventuality is huge. Energy storehouse operation scripts are substantially grid energy storehouse, communication energy storehouse and home energy storehouse, of which grid energy storehouse and communication energy storehouse in recent times by the downstream request driven by rapid-fire growth, boosting the demand for high- end energy storehouse lithium- ion battery assiduity chain- related products grows time by time. 


4.Intelligent conditions 


18650 li ion rechargeable battery


The request demand for lithium-ion products similar as" electrification intelligence"," 3C digital lithium batteries" and" storehouse base station lithium batteries" continues to grow, the affiliated technology continues to develop, and consumers' consumption The conception of change, all read good development openings for the lithium assiduity. 


The lithium-ion battery assiduity has a wide compass for development, but in the future, technological invention will be a criterion, and the conditions for technology will be indeed advanced. 

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