Industry News

What are the precautions for purchasing soft bag polymers?

Published by admin 2024-04-07

Soft pack polymers are divided into liquid lithium-ion batteries and polymer lithium-ion batteries. The electrolyte of lithium-ion batteries is fluid, so it is more unstable than lithium polymer batteries. It may explode if hit by external force or using a charger that does not meet the standard. Many portable electronic products such as mobile phones and laptops use soft polymer batteries. For the sake of safety, what are the precautions when we purchase soft-coated polymers?


see if the standby time is guaranteed.

Standby time refers to the continuous use time after the battery is installed in the phone to the next charge. Generally, the batteries sold on the market cannot guarantee the standby time for customers. This is because the battery quality is unstable. Many cheap batteries use poor quality battery cores, so the standby time is very short.



See if there is a clear capacity label.

Batteries without a clearly marked capacity (such as 1000mAh or 1000 mAh) are likely to be inferior batteries or recycled batteries. Many cheap batteries on the market are made from recycled batteries. Although they are cheap, they have short lifespan and unstable quality. Careless use may damage the phone.



see if a safety protection circuit board is installed.

Without protection of the circuit board, the soft-coated polymer has the risk of deformation, leakage, and explosion. Under the vicious price cut competition, various companies seek lower-priced protective circuit boards, or omit this device at all, making the market flooded with explosive-dangerous soft-coated polymers. Consumers cannot tell from the appearance whether there is a protective circuit board, so it is best to choose a reputable merchant to buy.

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