Industry News

Things you didn't know about the lithium-ion battery manufacturing plant

Published by admin 2024-04-07

As an emerging industry, the lithium battery industry has the guidance and support of government departments, the continuous improvement of technical level, the growing scale of emerging consumer electronics market, the broad prospect of international market and other opportunities. But the challenges are not trivial.
The first is rising Labour costs.


Lithium-ion battery manufacturing industry is a labor-intensive industry, the production capacity of the product is closely related to the number of production personnel. With the gradual disappearance of demographic dividend in China, labor-intensive enterprises no longer have the advantage of lower labor cost in the past.
In recent years, with the emergence of the inflection point of population structure in China, many provinces and cities have officially entered the aging society, and the labor cost of labor-intensive enterprises is bound to be further affected.


At the same time, the rapid development of China's economy and the improvement of the quality of the labor force brought by compulsory education will continue to push up the labor cost in China. How to deal with the upward pressure of labor costs has become an important issue that the manufacturing industry has to face.
The second is the shortage of professional and technical personnel.


The research and development of lithium-ion battery technology is a typical interdisciplinary field, which has high difficulty in technology integration and development, and requires high comprehensive quality and technical ability of talents.

Although China's lithium ion battery industry is developing rapidly, the shortage of comprehensive talents cannot match the current scale of the market, which has a certain degree of adverse impact on the development of the industry.

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