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What materials are common polymer polymer lithium batteries and 18650 lithium batteries made of?

Published by admin 2024-04-07

What materials are common polymer polymer lithium batteries and 18650 lithium batteries made of?

Polymer lithium battery, 18650 lithium battery is composed of positive electrode material, negative electrode material, separator and electrolyte.

1. Among the cathode materials, the most commonly used materials are lithium cobalt oxide, lithium manganate, lithium iron phosphate and ternary polymer lithium batteries, and 18650 lithium battery materials (a polymer of nickel, cobalt and manganese). The positive electrode material occupies a large proportion (the mass ratio of positive and negative materials is 3:1~4:1), because the performance of the positive electrode material directly affects the performance of the lithium-ion battery, and its cost directly determines the cost of the battery.


2. Among the anode materials, the current anode materials are mainly natural graphite and artificial graphite. The anode materials being explored include nitrides, PAS, tin-based oxides, tin alloys, nano-anode materials, and other intermetallic compounds. Anode material as a polymer lithium battery, one of the four major components of 18650 lithium battery, polymer lithium battery, 18650 lithium battery manufacturers play an important role in improving the battery capacity and cycle performance, in the polymer lithium battery, 18650 lithium battery The core link in the middle reaches of the industry.
3. The market-oriented diaphragm materials are mainly polyolefin (Polyolefin) diaphragms based on polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). In the structure of polymer lithium battery and 18650 lithium battery, the diaphragm is one of the key internal components. The performance of the diaphragm determines the interface structure and internal resistance of the battery, which directly affects the capacity, cycle and safety performance of the battery. A diaphragm with excellent performance plays an important role in improving the overall performance of the battery.


4. The electrolyte is generally prepared from high-purity organic solvents, electrolyte lithium salts, necessary additives and other raw materials under certain conditions and in a certain proportion. The electrolyte plays a role in conducting ions between the positive and negative electrodes of the polymer lithium battery and the 18650 lithium battery, which is the guarantee for the lithium ion battery to obtain the advantages of high voltage and high specific energy.
Expansion information:
"Polymer lithium battery, 18650 lithium battery" is a type of battery that uses lithium metal or lithium alloy as the positive/negative electrode material and uses a non-aqueous electrolyte solution. In 1912, the lithium metal battery was first proposed and studied by Gilbert N. Lewis. In the 1970s, M. S. Whittingham proposed and began to study lithium-ion batteries. Due to the very active chemical properties of lithium metal, the processing, storage and use of lithium metal have very high environmental requirements. With the development of science and technology, polymer lithium batteries and 18650 lithium batteries have become the mainstream.
Polymer lithium batteries, 18650 lithium batteries can be roughly divided into two categories: lithium metal batteries and lithium ion batteries. Lithium-ion batteries do not contain metallic lithium and are rechargeable. The fifth generation of rechargeable batteries, lithium metal batteries, was born in 1996, and its safety, specific capacity, self-discharge rate, and performance-price ratio are superior to those of lithium-ion batteries. Due to its own high-tech requirements, companies in only a few countries are producing such lithium metal batteries.

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